A.D. v. Spain, Communication No. 21/2017, 4 February 2020

In this case, the applicant claims that the failure of the State to recognize the validity of the original copies of his official identity documents and his refusal to undergo unnecessary tests to assess his age led to the wrong consideration of him being an adult,...

D.K.N. v. Spain, Communication No. 15/2017, 1 February 2019

This case concerns a citizen of Ghana who arrived in Spain in an irregular manner in 2016 stating that he is a minor and presenting a Ghanaian birth certificate. The Spanish authorities deemed this document to be invalid and ordered that the applicant undergo medical...

EASO, Practical Guide on Age Assessment (2nd edition)

The EASO Practical Guide on Age Assessment acknowledges, inter alia, that the benefit of the doubt in age determination procedures is a key principle and safeguard since none of the currently available methods of age assessment can determine a specific age with...
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