Bulletin du CIMA n°4
Ce bulletin contient notamment une information sur la Conférence de Paris pour les avocats argentins.
CIJL Bulletin-3&4-1979-fra (Bulletin en français, PDF)
Ce bulletin contient notamment une information sur la Conférence de Paris pour les avocats argentins.
CIJL Bulletin-3&4-1979-fra (Bulletin en français, PDF)
This issue of the CIJL Bulletin contains case reports on Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Iran, Guatemala, Namibia, Poland and Sierra Leone and information about the Paris Colloquium on Argentinian Lawyers.
Volume 3&4, avaialable in French and Spanish, contains articles from volume 2, no. 1 and volume 4 in English.
CIJL Bulletin-4-1979-eng (full text in English, PDF)
This is the record of a colloquium on the role of human rights in the formulation of the foreign policies of the United Kingdom and the United States.
The purpose of the Review is to focus attention on the problems in regard to which lawyers can make their contribution to society in their respective areas of influence and to provide them with the necessary information and data.
This edition features articles on:
ICJ Review-22-1979-eng (full text in English, PDF)
ICJ Review-22-1979-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)
Donald T. Fox, attorney-at-law in New York, lead a mission to Guatemala in June 1979 on behalf of the ICJ, to assess the human rights situation in the country.