The independence of the judiciary in Colombia is seriously compromised, particularly within the Attorney General’s Office, where prosecutors are being pressured to comply with the policies of the government.
In addition, lawyers – especially human rights lawyers and defenders – are subjected to harassment, threats and persecution by the government, guerrilla and paramilitary groups, preventing them from discharging their professional duties in an independent manner.
The government has submitted several controversial proposals to Congress concerning reforms to the judiciary that undermine the role of the Constitutional Court (Corte Constitucional) and the Higher Judicial Council (Consejo Superior de la Judicatura) and could lead to the creation of a judiciary that is heavily accountable to the executive (Poder Ejecutivo).
The constant efforts of the government to push through radical legal and constitutional reforms not only undermine the independence of the judiciary but also create legal chaos.
Colombia-Attacks on Justice 2005-Publications-2008 (full text, PDF)