This is the sixth annual report of the ICJ’s Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers.
Every year, the , ICJ’s Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyerspublishes an annual report analysing existing legal structures and the prevailing human rights situation in various countries of the world as they effect judicial and legal independence. The report also catalogues the cases of judges and lawyers who are harassed or persecuted.
Similar to previous years, the ICJ’s Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers submitted Attacks on Justice to the United Nations. This year, the report was submitted to the UN Commission on Human Rights. Our purpose is to assist this body in assessing ways and means to protect judicial and legal independence. The draft report was also submitted to the governments it covers for their comments. The observations of the governments who responded are included in the report.
This year’s Attacks on Justice catalogues the cases of 572 jurists in 58 countries who have suffered reprisals for carrying out their professional functions between June 1993 and December 1994. Of these, 72 were killed, 3 were «disappeared», 28 were attacked, 119 received threats of violence, 24 were tortured, 177 were detained, and 149 were professionally sanctioned or obstructed.
The report also examines legal structures and the human rights situation as they influence judicial and legal independence in most of the countries considered in the report.
attacks on justice-june 1993 december 1994-publication-1995-eng (full text in English, PDF)
attacks on justice-june 1993 december 1994-publication-1994-fra (full text in French, PDF)