This Special issue of the CIJL Bulletin contains the following:
- Introduction, by Reed Brody, CIJL Director
- Instruments Approved by the UN General Assembly:
- UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary
- Procedures for the Effective Implementation of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary
- UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers
- Other UN Instruments
UN Draft Declaration on the Independence of Justice (Singhvi Declaration)
- Instruments promoted by the ICJ:
- Draft Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary (Siracusa Principles)
- Draft Principles on the Independence of the Legal Profession (Noto Principles)
- The Rule of Law and Human Rights (Declaration of Delhi, Law of Lagos, Resolution of Rio, Declaration of Bangkok)
- Instruments Promoted by International Lawyers’ Federations:
- Union Internationale des Avocats: The International Charter of Legal Defense Rights
- International Bar Association: Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence
- International Convention for the Preservation of Defense Rights
- Provisions of Selected International and Regional Instruments and Case-law
CIJL Bulletin-25&26-1990-eng (full text in English, PDF)
CIJL Bulletin-25&26-1990-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)