The two UN Basic Principles, one on the Independence of the Judiciary adopted in 1985, and other on the Role of Lawyers adopted in 1990,1 explicitly define the international norms relevant to the independence of judiciary and the legal profession. While these standards are clearly acknowledged at the international level, their domestic implementation remains a cause of concern. The main challenge facing jurists throughout the world is now translating these norms into adequate guarantees which would reflect themselves in daily realities.
This first issue contains:
Editorial Note, by Mona A. Rishmawi
Foreword, by P.N. Bhagwati
I. Articles
- The Rule of Law and the Independence of the Judiciary: An Overview of Principles, by Adama Dieng
- Constitutional Guarantees for the Independence of the Judiciary in Algeria: 1962-1991, by Miloud Brahimi
- Judicial Independence in France, by Robert Badinter
- The “Autogoverno” of the Italian Judiciary, by Salvatore Senese
- Judicial Independence in Poland: From the 1952 Constitution to the 1989 Reforms, by Elzbieta Morawska
II. Reports
- The Independence of the Judiciary in Japan: Theory and Practice, by the Japan Federation o f Bar Associations
- The Exceptional Tribunals in Syria: A Threat to Judicial Independence: a CIJL Trial Observation Report
CIJL Yearbook- constitutional guarantees-I-1992-eng (full text in English, PDF)
CIJL Yearbook- constitutional guarantees-I-1992-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)