Ethnic conflict and violence in Sri Lanka: report of a mission to Sri Lanka in July-August 1981, with a supplement for the period of 1981-1983

Issue: Global Security
Document Type: Fact Finding Mission
Date: 1983

In view of the events of July – August 1983 in Sri Lanka, the International Commission of Jurists has decided to reprint the report “Ethnic Conflict and Violence in Sri Lanka” by Professor Virginia A. Leary, written after her mission to Sri Lanka in July – August 1981.

The analysis she made of the ethnic conflict is still valid and provides the necessary back ground to understand the recent grave outbursts between the Singhalese and Tamil communities.

The report contains the following Chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka
  • Violence in Sri Lanka
  • Government efforts to cope with racial conflict and violence
  • Prevention of Terrorism Act
  • International norms
  • Summary
  • Recommendations

A supplement has been prepared by the staff of the International Commission of Jurists which brings up to date the relevant legislation and traces the incidence of terrorist violence and counter violence since Prof. Leary’s mission.

Some of the information has been taken from a report by Mr. Tim Moore, Honorary Treasurer of the Australian Section of the International Commission of Jurists. He visited Sri Lanka to attend a trial of two priests arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. As the trial was postponed, he took the opportunity to enquire into ethnic violence and other problems relating to the Rule of Law.

Sri Lanka-ethnic conflict and violence-fact finding mission report-1983-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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