ICJ narrative report 1999

Document Type: Thematic Report
Date: 2000

Summary of strategies and activities of the ICJ secretariat in 1999.

The report describes the work done by the ICJ in the framework of its priority objectives for 1999-2003.

  • Promotion of effective human rights mechanisms, norms and their implementation – projects in relation to the UN Commission on Human Rights and Sub-Commission, standard-setting, UN Treaty Bodies, African Commission, OAU Council, NGO meeting Nairobi, domestic application of norms, European Convention, European Conference against Racism, Kyrgyzstan
  • Fighting impunity: projects in relation to ICC Preparatory Committee, Pinochet
  • Promoting and protecting all human rights with an emphasis on economic, social and cultural rights: Optional Protocol, European Social Charter, Macedonia, African regional seminar, seminar in Sri Lanka, fact-finding missions to Mexico, Indonesia, Botswana
  • Promotion and protection of the independence of judges and lawyers: CIJL cases, workshop on Northern Ireland, missions to Malaysia and Turkey, trial observation, Attacks on justice, Africa mission
  • Ensuring the observance of the rule of law in the context of globalisation: CIJL publications on judiciary and globalisation
  • Miscellaneous: Conference European sections.

ICJ-annual report-1999-eng (full text in English, PDF)


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