Justice in jeopardy : Malaysia in 2000 : report of a mission, 17-27 April 1999

Document Type: Thematic Report
Date: 2000

These are the results of an ICJ mission to Malaysia which aimed mainly at examining the independence of the judiciary.

The mission was asked to examine:

  1. The legal guarantees for the independence of the judiciary in Malaysia and whether these guarantees are respected in practice. The mission was to use the 1985 UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary as a yardstick.
  2. The ability of lawyers to render their services freely. The mission was to use the 1990 UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers as a yardstick.
  3. Any impediment, either in law or in practice, that jeopardises the proper administration of justice.

The report contains an Introduction, Background information on the country and parts dealing with:

  1. Relationship between Bar and Executive
  2. Relationship between Bar and Judiciary
  3. Relationship between Judiciary and Executive
  4. Role of Legislative Power

With Conclusion and Summary of Recommendations, and eight Appendices (in particular extracts of relevant laws).

Malaysia-justice in jeopardy-fact-finding mission report-2000-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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