Russia: ICJ Commissioner Karinna Moskalenko honoured with annual human rights award of the International Helsinki Federation (IHF)

Nov 22, 2006 | News

Karinna Moskalenko, a leading human rights advocate from the Russian Federation and ICJ Commissioner, was awarded the annual recognition award of the International Helsinki Federation.

The award was formally presented to Karinna Moskalenko during the General Assembly of the International Helsinki Federation in Sofia on November 16, 2006.

The International Helsinki Federation noted in its presentation of the award, that “Karinna Moskalenko is among the most outstanding human rights lawyers in the world, who has helped scores of victims in Russia fight for their rights in court. (…)

Karinna Moskalenko has insisted that Russian citizens have access to international standards of justice and has helped bring their cases to the European Court of Human Rights.

Her moral and intellectual powers and her humanistic personality are her gift, but also one to her society. That gift deserves recognition, not persecution.”


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