Considering :

a. whereas to regulate, safeguard, and maintain the stability of the Rupiah Currency and to monitor the circulation of money including any circulation of counterfeit money, provisions are needed concerning the requirements and procedure for carrying Rupiah Currency out of or into the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia;
b. whereas the requirements and procedure for carrying Rupiah Currency out of or into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as stipulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 3/18/PBI/2001 are no longer appropriate to the situation, condition, and need in society for legal provisions, and therefore it is necessary for the substance of the regulation to be reformulated to bring it into conformity with Act Number 15 of 2002 concerning Money Laundering;
c. now therefore, it is deemed necessary to enact a Bank Indonesia Regulation concerning Requirements and Procedure for Carrying Rupiah Currency Out of or Into the Customs Territory of the Republic of Indonesia;

The Regulation contains 4 Chapters, 12 articles, an Elucidation and two Appendices.

The Chapters are:

  1. General Provisions
  2. Requirements and Procedure for Carrying Rupiah Currency
  3. Administrative Sanctions
  4. Concluding Provisions

Indonesia-Indonesia Bank Regulation concerning Rupiah Currency-2002-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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