Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 7. Offences committed by legal entities

  1. This Law applies to a legal entity in the same way as it applies to a natural person.
  2. A legal entity may be found guilty of any offence against this Law, including an offence punishable by imprisonment.
  3. If an employee, agent or officer of a legal entity, acting within the scope of his or her employment, or with the authority of the legal entity engages in conduct constituting an offence against this Law, the conduct must also be attributed to the legal entity.
  4. A legal entity will have committed an offence against this Law intentionally or knowingly, if it expressly or impliedly authorised or permitted the commission of the offence.
  5. If a legal entity is convicted of an offence against this Law, the court may impose a pecuniary penalty instead of a period of imprisonment in accordance with paragraph (6).
  6. The pecuniary penalty for a legal entity is 2.0 million Riels for every 12 months of imprisonment that the court would impose on the legal entity if the legal entity were a natural person.
  7. A court may, in addition to a pecuniary penalty, impose any of the following penalties:

               (a) dissolution;

               (b) judicial or other supervision;

               (c) a prohibition on:

(i) trading in shares in the legal entity or any other form of fund raising; or

(ii) issuing negotiable instruments through a bank; or

(iii) any other specified activities;

               (d) the closure of premises used:

(i) to prepare to commit the offence; or

(ii) to attempt to commit the offence; or

(iii) to commit the offence;

                (e) the publication of the court’s decision by any or all of the following means:

(i) newspapers;

(ii) television;

(iii) radio;

(iv) Internet.

               (f) The criminal liability incurred by a legal entity does not exclude the criminal liability of a natural person in the same act.

link to full text of the Law on Counter-Terrorism: Cambodia-Law on Counter Terrorism-2007-eng

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