Articles 182-188 cover the following:

182.- Causing air pollution
183.- Causing water source pollution
184.- Causing land pollution
185.- Import of technologies, machinery, equipment, discarded materials or materials which fail to satisfy environmental protection criteria
186.- Spreading dangerous epidemics to human beings
187.- Deliberately spreading dangerous epidemics to animals and/or plants
188.- Destroying aquatic resources

VietNam-Penal Code, Art. 182-188-1999-eng (text in English, PDF)

VietNam-Penal Code, Art. 182-188-1999-fra (text in French, PDF)

link to the complete text of the Penal Code, in English: VietNam-Penal Code-1999-eng

link to the complete text of the Penal Code, in French: VietNam-Penal Code-1999-fra

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