Article 166 – Violation of air security and security at airports.

Any person committing an act of violence against a person on board an aircraft in flight or at an airport, destroying or damaging an aircraft or the services of an airport, including air navigation facilities, shall be punished by [], if such an act is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft or the airport.

Any person placing or causing to be placed a dangerous device or substance on an aircraft in service, by any means whatsoever, or communicating information known to be false, shall also be punished by [], if such an act is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft or the airport.

Article 167. Infractions against the safety of ships and fixed platforms.

Any person committing any of the infractions as set forth in article 166 [violation of air security and security at airports] against a ship or a fixed platform shall be punished by [], if such an act is likely to endanger the safe navigation of a ship or the safety of a fixed platform.

Article 168. Hijacking.

Any person exercising duress through seizing or exercising control of an aircraft in flight, a ship or a fixe platform, will be punished by [].

Any preparation and attempt to commit such infractions shall also be punished.

link to complete text of the Penal Law: Laos-Penal Law-2001-2005-eng

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