Law on Banking and Financial Institutions, Articles 51 to 56 (1999)

Phnom Penh, November 18, 1999 CHAPTER 17  Money Laundering Article 51: In addition to the specific legal provisions that it must observe regarding money laundering, a covered entity shall take appropriate measures to identify precisely all its customers and, above a...

Banking Act (1992,1998)

The Act has 10 Chapters and 61 articles. The Chapters cover the following: General Provisions Principle, Function and Objective Categories and Operations of Banks Licensing, Form of Legal Entity, and Ownership Supervision Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors,...

Offshore Banking Act – Act 443 (1990)

An Act to provide for the licensing and regulations of persons carrying on offshore banking business and offshore financial business and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith. The Act has five Parts and Part I. Preliminary 1. Short title and...
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