Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act, Article 34 (2003)

(CHAPTER 325), 29/1/2003 PART VI JURISDICTION Extra-territoriality 34. —(1) Every person who, outside Singapore, commits an act or omission that, if committed in Singapore, would constitute an offence, an abetment of an offence, or a conspiracy or attempt to commit an...

Penal Code of Viet Nam, Articles 5 and 6 (1999)

Chapter II Effect of the Penal Code  Article 5.- The effect of the Penal Code on criminal acts committed in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 1.  The Penal Code applies to all acts of criminal offenses committed in the territory of the Socialist...

Penal Code of Indonesia, Articles 1-9

PENAL CODE OF INDONESIA. BOOK 1 General Provisions. CHAPTER I Extent of operation of the statutory penal provisions. Article 1. (1)      No act shall be punished unless by virtue of a prior statutory penal provision. (2)      In case of alteration in the legislation...

Extra-territorial Offences Act – Act 163 (1976, 2006)

LAWS OF MALAYSIA Act 163 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL OFFENCES ACT 1976 An Act to deal with certain offences under written laws committed in any place without and beyond the limits of  Malaysia and on the high seas on board any ship or on any aircraft registered in Malaysia or...
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