42. The Committee regrets the lack of detailed information in relation to vulnerable groups of women, such as migrant and refugee women, women belonging to ethnic minorities, in particular Roma women, as well as rural women, older women, disabled women and female sexual minorities, and notes with concern that these groups of women may be subjected to multiple forms of discrimination.
43. The State party is invited to provide comprehensive information and statistical data in its next periodic report on the situation of the vulnerable groups of women, such as migrant and refugee women, women belonging to ethnic minorities, in particular Roma women, as well as rural women, older women, disabled women and female sexual minorities, and on the measures taken for eliminating discrimination against these women with regard to their access to health, education, employment, social benefits, etc.
Link to full text of the report: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/co/CEDAW-C-UKR-CO-7.pdf