28.  Finally, the independent expert recognizes that some individuals within ethnic, religious, linguistic or national minority groups may experience multiple forms of discrimination because of other factors including gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age or health status. This means that, within minority communities, some individuals who are already struggling against intolerable levels of generalized exclusion also face compounded forms of discrimination or violence based on their gender, personal identity or expression. As a result, the independent expert intends to consider the compounded and often negatively reinforcing nature of multiple forms of exclusion as she undertakes her work, while also highlighting the importance of protecting diverse forms of personal expression.

42.  The independent expert will also devote attention to the situations of those members of minority groups who experience multiple forms of discrimination, based on aspects of their identities and personal realities such as sexual orientation or gender expression that challenge social or cultural norms.

link to the full text of the Report: http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=E/CN.4/2006/74

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