J. Violations of the right to life of persons because of their sexual orientation
66. The Special Rapporteur has continued to receive reports of persons having been subjected to death threats or extrajudicially killed because of their sexual orientation. In this connection, she sent a letter to the Government of Venezuela relating to reports of killings of three transsexual persons without a government investigation having been initiated.{{61}}
67. The Special Rapporteur is encouraged by the response of the Government of Mexico that reported killings of persons because of their sexual orientation are under investigation. Reports have been received of serious human rights violations committed in Afghanistan during the Taliban period, including reports of persons suspected to be homosexuals being buried alive.{{62}}
[[61]] Please note this case is also mentioned in the interim report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, A/59/319, September 1, 2004, para. 60.[[61]]
[[62]] Please note this case is also mentioned in the reports of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, E/CN.4/2003/3/Add.4, February 3, 2003, para. 36 and A/59/319, September 1, 2004, para. 60.[[62]]
link to the full text of the Report: Report-SR Extrajudicial Executions-2003-eng