18. In the period under review, the Special Rapporteur transmitted 201 communications to 63 countries (including 112 urgent appeals and 89 letters of allegations) concerning a total of 1,799 individuals. A breakdown of the subjects of those appeals shows that they involved […] 4 persons killed for various discriminatory reasons, including their sexual orientation (…).
71. Criminal actions might also evolve into a third, and very important, category of non-State actors of relevance to this mandate. Crimes, including murder, carried out by individuals can also give rise to State responsibility in instances in which the State has failed to take all appropriate measures to deter, prevent and punish the perpetrators as well as to address any attitudes or conditions within society which encourage or facilitate such crimes. Two sometimes contested examples include honour killings (as defined in previous reports) and killings directed at groups such as homosexuals and members of minority groups. Other examples which have drawn attention in recent times include sustained attacks on trade unionists, so-called social cleansing of “undesirable” elements, or repeated attacks on professional groups such as doctors who are subjected to extortion demands. Also included in this category would be the activities of any of the groups described in the first category above insofar as it can be shown that there is no element of governmental involvement or complicity in their activities.
link to the full text of the Report: Report-SR Extrajudicial Executions-2004-eng