199. Marli Barbosa and Rosana Lage Lígero, a same-sex couple, were allegedly arrested on 19 June 1996 in Jabotão dos Guararapes on suspicion of murder and were reportedly beaten with pieces of rubber at the 14th district police station in Piedade. According to the information received, they were also verbally abused for their sexual orientation and forced to perform oral sex. They were reportedly denied access to their lawyer. The police chief is said to have asked them for money, which they allegedly refused to pay. They reportedly remained at the police station for three days and then allegedly transferred secretly to the narcotics police station where they remained for five days. They were then allegedly returned to the Piedade police station and on the following day to a local prison, without having been sentenced. According to the information received, one month later they were taken back to the Piedade police station, where they were allegedly tortured again. They are said to have remained imprisoned for 11 months. It is believed that they suffered from discrimination due to their sexual orientation. It is alleged that the policemen involved received no punishment or reprimand. According to the information received, the case is being reviewed in the Supreme Court.{{82}}
[[82]] Please note that this case is also mentioned in the report of the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, E/CN.4/20o0/9, February 2, 2000, para. 145.[[82]]
link to the full text of the Mission report: http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/3d1134784d618e28c1256991004b7950/b573b69cf6c3da28c1256a2b00498ded