Questions on best practices that promote and protect the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.
Right to freedom of peaceful assembly:
6. Please describe one or more recent examples where the right to freedom of peaceful assembly may have not been respected and the reasons for citing this example(s). In particular, please describe challenges faced in the implementation of laws, policies or programmes for the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in your country. Please provide details of any lessons learnt in that regard. Briefly evaluate, in both law and practice, the enjoyment of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in your country, including by women, individuals facing discrimination or violence because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as persons with disabilities, espousing minority or dissenting views or beliefs, and belonging to other groups at risk.
Right to freedom of association:
14. Please describe one or more recent examples where the right to freedom of association may have not been respected and the reasons for citing this example(s). In particular, please describe challenges faced in the implementation of laws, policies or programmes for the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of association in your country. Please provide lessons learnt in that regard. Briefly evaluate, in both law and practice, the enjoyment of the right to freedom of association in your country, including by women, individuals facing discrimination or violence because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as persons with disabilities, espousing minority or dissenting views or beliefs, and belonging to other groups at risk.
Link to full text of the report: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session20/A.HRC.20.27.Add.1_EnglishOnly.PDF