Mar 25, 2020 | News
The ICJ today called on the South African government to take urgent and immediate measures to ensure the full protection human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights, in the context of the COVID 19 epidemic.
The call comes as South Africa’s 21-day nationwide lockdown is poised to commence tomorrow, 26 March 2020. As it stands the human rights of the majority of South African residents are under serious threat.
“The ICJ is calling on the South African government to take effective measures ensure that addressing one human rights crisis does need lead to new human rights pressures” said Arnold Tsunga, Director of or the ICJ Africa Programme.
“We therefore call on the authorities to take three urgent steps: 1) Declare a moratorium on all evictions; 2) Ensure emergency provision of water to all; and 3) publically repudiate xenophobic statements made by Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni and affirm non-citizens rights to work”.
- Declaration of a moratorium on all evictions:
In the context of COVID-19, evictions are particularly dangerous and life-threatening. Evictions risk the further spread of COVID-19 and make it impossible to stay at home as the World Health Organization has advised.
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, has called for a global ban on evictions worldwide, stressing that: “The logical extension of a logical stay at home policy is a global ban on evictions. There must be no evictions of anyone, anywhere, for any reason. Simply put: a global ban on evictions will save lives”. In South Africa, local social movements and human rights organizations have called for a “moratorium” on evictions, as has Abahlali BaseMjondolo a movement of tens of thousands of “shack dwellers” across the country.
The ICJ calls on President Ramaphosa to declare a moratorium on evictions immediately before the commencement of the nationwide lockdown. South Africa must do so to meet its international legal obligations to protect the rights to housing and health.
- Provision of emergency access to water before the lockdown commences:
Many people in South Africa live in informal settlements and rural settings in which access to water, sanitation and basic services are inadequate or inconsistent. The simple instruction of washing one’s hands to prevent the spread of the virus is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for many.
The President announced on 23 March that “emergency water supplies” would be provided in “informal settlements and rural areas”. However, reports from around the country suggest that with lockdown beginning tomorrow many major informal settlements, including Khayelitsha in Cape Town, still do not have sufficient access to such emergency water.
The ICJ calls on President Ramaphosa to ensure that provision is made for all South Africans to have access to basic services, including water, before the commencement of national lockdown. South Africa must do so to meet its international legal obligations to protect the right to water.
- Protecting the right to work of “everyone” including non-citizens:
On 24 March 2020 speaking on national television, Minister of Small Business and Development in South Africa Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said that only spaza shops “owned by South Africans and managed and run by South Africans” will be allowed to continue operating during nationwide-lockdown, ostensibly to ensure the quality of goods and food.
This statement is discriminatory and in violation of South Africa’s commitments in terms of its own Constitution and international human rights law, to ensure non-discrimination and equal protection of the law. It risks a resurgence of existing xenophobic sentiment at a time of crisis which South Africa can ill afford and threatens the livelihood of foreign nationals.
The ICJ calls on President Ramaphosa to withdraw the statement immediately and reaffirm the internationally recognized right to equality of non-citizens including their right to work.
Tim Fish Hodgson, ICJ Legal Adviser, e: tim.hodgson(a) ; c: +2782871990
Shaazia Ebrahim, ICJ Media Officer, e: shaazia.ebrahim(a) ; c: +27716706719
The global Covid-19 pandemic has led South African president Cyril Ramaphosa to announce a 21-day nationwide lockdown which will be effective on 26 March at midnight. This follows on from South Africa’s declaration of a “national disaster” on 15 March and the publication of disaster regulations governing the disaster response.
Global consensus on best practice to combat COVID-19, as recommended by the World Health Organization, is for people to stay at home, maintain social distance and intensify hygiene measures including through frequent washing of hands. However, South Africa has well-documented and extremely high levels of poverty and inequality. A number of problems in complying with global best practice in response to COVID-19.
The disaster regulations require that measures taken to combat COVID-19 are implemented “as far as possible, without affecting service delivery in relation to the realisation of the rights” including the rights to housing and basic services, healthcare, social security and education.
Oct 3, 2019 | News
Today, the ICJ, the Regional office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for Central Asia and the High School of Judges of the Republic of Uzbekistan (HSJ) are organizing a national training on “International law on economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights.”
This two-day training is one of series of similar trainings, held in 2019 and 2020, that will address international law on issues including rights to healthcare, education, housing and rights in the workplace.
The training sessions aim to build the capacity of judges, lawyers, prosecutors, legal academics and other representatives of the civil society on international standards on ESC rights, to share best practices on compliance by States with their international obligations, including through judicial practices related to ensuring access to justice for ESC rights.
The training sessions ensure diversity and networking opportunities between members of the judiciary and others legal practitioners.
Each training consists of four modules on (1) introduction to international law on ESC rights; (2) International obligations concerning access to justice and remedies for ESC rights in national courts; comparative examples of good practice; (3) Children’s ESC rights and (4) Women’s ESC rights.
Head of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan Ambassador Eduards Stiprais pointed out, “Uzbekistan is taking serious international commitments to align its legislation with international norms and practices. Under Uzbekistan Constitution, these international commitments take precedence over the national law. They will reinforce the rights of Uzbekistan citizens and international investors. This will boost the economic and social development of the nation, but it will also put high demands to the judiciary system to ensure that its decisions fully comply with international norms and offer remedies against all breaches.”
Ryszard Komenda, OHCHR Regional Representative for Central Asia, noted that “Uzbekistan since 1995 has committed itself to ensure implementation of provisions of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
To date, Uzbekistan has already submitted three national periodic reports on implementation of the Covenant. The third national report was submitted in June 2019 and will be reviewed after 2020.
The UN Committee, tasked to oversee states’ compliance with their commitments under the ICESCR, has issued a number of recommendations for Uzbekistan.
Many of them highlight the instrumental role of training on economic, social and cultural rights as a means to build capacity of state actors to respect, protect and fulfil human rights.
Only through comprehensive understanding of the content of each right and realizing that all human rights are interrelated, indivisible and interdependent, it will be possible to guarantee holistic implementation of existing international human rights obligations of Uzbekistan”.
“These trainings are an important part of capacity building which is essential in ensuring the effectiveness of the reform of the judiciary,” said Róisín Pillay, Europe and Central Asia Programme Director of the ICJ.
“It is vital to build capacity of different actors of the justice system: members of the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, lawyers and civil society, to ensure a greater impact. Together with the OHCHR and the Supreme School of Judges and the great support of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan, we could provide the space necessary for learning about international human rights law and, in particular, its various aspects related to economic, social and cultural rights,” she added.
The Director of the Higher School of Judges briefly spoke about the activities of the Supreme School of Judges (SSJ), and also noted the recent arrival of the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Mr. Diego Garcia Sayan, who paid special attention to the establishment of the SSJ, along with other judiciary reforms in Uzbekistan.
“The international seminar in which we have gathered today gives us the opportunity to establish networking with other organizations and bodies through promotion of economic, social and cultural rights. The exchange of ideas and experience in the necessity of the modern world, for the mutual development of the judiciary, education and the society as such,” said Khodji-Murod Isakov, the Director of the Higher School of Judges.
The national trainings are organized in the framework of project “Advancing Civil Society in Promoting ESCR Standards (ACCESS)” funded by EU through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
There will be two more similar trainings in 2020 and all trainings materials at the end will be translated into Russian and Uzbek languages for further reference and use. Moreover, the trainings materials will be publicly available in 2020 for wider outreach and promotion of international law and ESC rights standards.
Dilfuza Kurolova, ICJ Legal consultant, t: +998 90 9050099 ; e: dilfuza.kurolova(a)
Uzbekistan-National Training ESCR-News-2019-ENG (full story in PDF)
International law on economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights (4 training modules in Russian – PDF).
Oct 2, 2019 | News
Today, the ICJ, Regional Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for Central Asia and the Nationwide Movement “Yuksalish” are holding an Expert Discussions on economic, social and cultural rights (ESC) rights and standards in Uzbekistan.
The topic of the Fourth Expert Discussions is “Access to justice for housing rights: international and national perspectives.” This discussion will be focused on the right to adequate housing.
The Expert Discussions are aimed at increasing awareness about the implementation of international law and standards on ESC rights by national courts, to facilitate access to justice in relation to ESC rights and effective use of international human rights law for ESC rights at the national level.
Each Expert Discussion is supported by presentations of international and national experts.
The first experts’ meeting was held in September 2018 on international standards in labour rights, the second meeting – held in December 2018 touched upon the principle of non-discrimination in courts and court decisions, and the third meeting – held in March 2019 – was dedicated to the rights of people with disabilities.
These three events brought together lawyers, defense lawyers, individual experts, civil society activists, NGOs, academia representatives and law students via interactive discussions, research papers, peer review articles and policy papers.
“In recent years, large-scale work has been carried out in Uzbekistan to provide housing for the rural population through the construction of affordable residential buildings according to updated standards. However, participatory decision-making is in need to guarantee housing rights. It is vital to create opportunities for various groups to speak out on the topic and establish an open dialogue. We hope that today`s platform is one of such tools for exchange of opinions,” said Akmal Burkhanov, Chairperson of the Nationwide Movement “Yuksalish”.
Head of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan Ambassador Eduards Stiprais said: “Economic, social and cultural rights are fundamental rights for every individual. They are also fundamental for the economic development of the society. No man and no company will invest in improving its situation unless it can rely on its right to appropriate the fruits of its investment.”
Helena Fraser, UN Resident Coordinator, noted in her opening remarks that “under Sustainable Development Goal 11 by 2030 all UN member States commit to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The nationally adopted SDG targets for Uzbekistan are to ensure access to affordable housing for all; and to increase the scale of participatory planning of human settlements”.
“These, our fourth expert discussions on economic and social rights, are devoted to the important issue of the right to adequate housing, a right that is well established in international human rights law. We aim to hold a constructive discussion, informed by international law as well as national best practices, to find ways to address an array of issues linked to housing rights in Uzbekistan. We would like to thank the EU Delegation for their support, as well as our partners – the Regional UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) for Central Asia and the Nationwide movement “Yuksalish”,” said Róisín Pillay, Europe and Central Asia Programme Director of the ICJ.
Uzbekistan ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in 1995. In 2014, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recommended Uzbekistan “to take appropriate measures, including legislative and other measures, to provide all evicted persons with alternative accommodation or adequate compensation”.
The third national periodic report of Uzbekistan on implementation of provisions of the ICESCR was submitted in June 2019. The list of questions regarding the submitted report will be adopted in March 2020.
The Expert Discussions are organized in the framework of the project “Advancing Civil Society in Promoting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ (ESCR) Standards (ACCESS)” funded by the EU through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
Dilfuza Kurolova, ICJ Legal consultant, t: +998 90 9050099 ; e: dilfuza.kurolova(a)
Uzbekistan-Expert discussions ESCR-News-2019-ENG (full story in PDF)
Sep 2, 2019 | News
In a statement, the ICJ, along with various other local and international civil society organizations and affected communities demand redress for forced evictions following visit of African Commission member and ICJ Commissioner Jamesina King.
On 27-28 August 2019 members of local communities who have endured or are at imminent risk of forced evictions in Eswatini met in Manzini to continue their advocacy efforts against forced and mass evictions. These stakeholders called on the responsible government authorities in Eswatini to take immediate measures to address the practice of forced evictions in violation of the right to housing.
The Eswatini land governance system fails Swazi people. Most land is held by the King in “trust”, other Swazi people live on title-deed land without formal recognition. Swazi people do not enjoy security of tenure and are vulnerable to forced evictions. Under international human rights law, forced evictions may only happen as a last resort, in terms of a court order, once all other feasible alternatives have been exhausted and appropriate procedural protections are in place.
Some participants in the workshop had previously submitted a report that documents forced evictions in Eswatini and engaged with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) at its 63rd Ordinary Session in Banjul, Gambia in October 2018. As a follow-up, the community representatives invited ACHPR Commissioner Jamesina King to participate in their meeting in Manzini in August 2019.
“It is very obvious that the laws of Eswatini have to evolve to provide these communities with legal protection and to put an end to forced evictions,” Commissioner King told the communities. King also called for the government to declare a moratorium on forced evictions until laws have been enacted which provide sufficient protection for the right to adequate housing.
The meeting, which was facilitated and coordinated in partnership with the Foundation for Socio-Economic Justice, the International Commission of Jurists, Amnesty International and the Southern African Litigation Centre, was also attended by local civil society organizations, religious groups and concerned individuals. The participants also had the opportunity of engaging with the Eswatini Commission on Human Rights and Public Administration.
Participants included representatives from communities recently affected by evictions from affected communities, from Nokwane and the Malkerns. Representatives from communities facing imminent eviction in Mbondzela, Gege in the Shiselweni region, Vuvulane, Madonsa and Sigombeni also participated.
Participants demanded the following in conclusion of the engagement:
- A public, time bound commitment to a moratorium on forced and mass evictions.
- The enactment of legislation that explicitly prohibits forced and mass evictions in all circumstances and sets out safeguards that must be strictly followed before any eviction is carried out.
- The provision of reparations for those families who have already been subjected to forced evictions in the absence of sufficient legal protections.
“The ICJ sees the Minister of Justice Pholile Dlamini-Shakantu’s willingness to discuss forced evictions with Commissioner King as a welcome indication of the government’s openness to constructive input by the African Commission. It is hoped that the government takes heed of struggles of community members, and acts swiftly to put an end to forced evictions in Eswatini”, said Arnold Tsunga, ICJ’s Africa Director.
Find the full statement, which is endorsed by the Foundation for Socio-Economic Justice, the International Commission of Jurists, Amnesty International and the Southern African Litigation Centre here;
Eswatini-Swazi Government to End Forced Evictions-News-Webstory-2019-ENG
For more information contact:
Tim Fish Hodgson timothy.hodgson(a) +27 82 871 9905
Oct 3, 2018 | News
Today, the South African Judicial Education Institute (SAJEI) and ICJ held a workshop for judicial officers on housing rights in terms of South African and international human rights law.
The workshop, which was held in Johannesburg, was attended 46 participants from South Africa’s 9 provinces. It formed part of a “Human Rights Week For Judicial Officers” run by SAJEI, which on other days also covered “Refugee Rights”, “LGBTI Rights”, and “Gender and HIV”.
The objective of the SAJEI-ICJ workshop was to discuss the role of judicial officers in housing rights cases.
The content of the workshop was collaboratively determined in consultation with magistrates responsible for conducting the training of other magistrates around the country.
It sought to respond to their requests information and resources to assist in their daily decision-making.
The workshop was facilitated by a range of magistrates from around the country and judicial educators at SAJEI.
A keynote address on “Constitutional Imperatives on Rights to Housing” was presented Judge Antonie Gildenhuys, a retired judge who sat both on the High Court and the Land Claims Court in South Africa.
Workshop facilitators drew on a draft manual on housing rights, which the ICJ is working with SAJEI and a working group of magistrates to develop.
The manual’s particular focus is on international human rights standards from a range of sources including the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, general comments of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
It is hoped that, when finalized, magistrates will be able to draw on this manual to assist in their adjudication of housing rights cases.
To assist judicial officers in understanding the challenges faced by communities advocating to prevent unlawful evictions and secure access adequate housing, Mr Thapelo Mohapi (General Secretary of Abahlali baseMjondolo) and Ms Susan Mkhwanazi (Slovo Park Community Forum) were asked to make presentations on their “lived experiences” in attempting to access protection on the right to housing.
Their important insights contributed immensely to the success of the workshop and were well received by the magistrates.
Opening remarks were delivered by Dr Gomolemo Moshoeu (CEO of SAJEI) and Mr Arnold Tsunga (Africa Director of the ICJ).
“We at the ICJ are very happy that the magistrates expressed a desire for more continuous legal education in the area of legal enforcement of economic and social rights given that historically very little attention has been paid to equipping magistrates with requisite information and resources to ensure consistent application of human rights standards in this area,” reflected Arnold Tsunga after the event.
Timothy Fish Hodgson, ICJ Legal Adviser, t: +27828719905 ; e: timothy.hodgson(a)