Lebanon: Ensure the independence of the judiciary  

Lebanon: Ensure the independence of the judiciary  

Lebanon: Ensure the independence of the judiciary

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has released a new advocacy paper on the current situation of the judiciary in Lebanon that documents the recent attacks on the independence of the judiciary; analyses the provisions of the Draft Law designed to improve the independence of the judiciary (hereinafter Draft Law) in light of international standards; and offers recommendations and guidance to the new legislature regarding the Draft Law.

Perú: autoridades deben respetar el estado de derecho en medio de la crisis política

Perú: autoridades deben respetar el estado de derecho en medio de la crisis política

Las autoridades peruanas de las tres ramas del poder público deben buscar fortalecer el Estado de Derecho y el principio de separación de poderes tras la crisis política que desencadenó ayer la detención del expresidente Pedro Castillo después de que intentara disolver el Congreso, tomar el control del poder judicial y declarar el estado de emergencia, declaró hoy la Comisión Internacional de Juristas (CIJ).

Peru: authorities must respect the rule of law amid the political crisis

Peru: authorities must respect the rule of law amid the political crisis

Peruvian authorities in all three branches of government should strive to strengthen the rule of law and the principle of separation of powers in the wake of the political crisis that led to the arrest of former President Pedro Castillo yesterday after he tried to dissolve Congress, take control of the judiciary and declare a state of emergency, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) said today.

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