Privacy & Surveillance: NGO checklist of qualifications for new UN expert

Privacy & Surveillance: NGO checklist of qualifications for new UN expert

The ICJ and other leading human rights NGOs today publish a checklist of qualifications for use in the ongoing selection of a new UN expert on the right to privacy.

The UN is accepting applications for the newly-created Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy, to be appointed at the June session of the Human Rights Council. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 30 April 2015.

The checklist was developed together with Access, the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, Article 19, the Association for Progressive Communications, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Privacy International. These NGOs, with the support of dozens of other civil society organisations from around the world, advocated for and strongly supported the establishment of the Special Rapporteur mandate at the March session of the Human Rights Council.

This checklist is intended to support governments, NGOs, academics, relevant professional networks, national human rights institutions and others in the identification of and outreach to highly qualified and independent candidates.

The checklist can be downloaded in PDF format here: HRC29-CriteriaSRPrivacy-Advocacy-2015

The application and selection process is explained on the website of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, here.

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