ICJ’s and AI’s intervention in the case El Masri v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

ICJ’s and AI’s intervention in the case El Masri v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The ICJ and Amnesty International presented a third party intervention in the case El Masri v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights.

In the third party intervention, the ICJ and AI outlined developments on the principle of non-refoulement, on enforced disappearances, on the international law of state responsibility and on the right to truth.

Macedonia-written submission-legal submission-2012 (full text in English, PDF)

Macedonia: ICJ submission to the universal periodic review

Macedonia: ICJ submission to the universal periodic review

The ICJ submits its comments to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.

In this submission the ICJ is drawing the Working Group on the UPR’s and the Human Rights Council’s attention to the frequent allegations of ill-treatment by police either during arrest or in police custody, and the lack of adequate investigations into such allegations. In addition, the Working Group should address the Macedonian Government’s failure to provide for a thorough and independent investigation into the detention at the Macedonian border of Mr Khaled El-Masri, and his subsequent transfer to Afghanistan under the CIA rendition programme.

Macedonia-ICJ Submission to the Universal Periodic Review-non-legal submission-2008 (full text, PDF)

USA: CIA sued over “extraordinary rendition”

Former CIA director George Tenet and other CIA officials are being sued under the US Alien Tort Claims Act, by a German citizen, Khaled El-Masri, who claims to have been wrongfully abducted by the CIA in Macedonia and transported to a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan...
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