The ICJ welcomes the first report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence (A/HRC/21/46).
The content of the report elaborates on the four pillars of the Special Rapporteur’s mandate and the ways in which this analysis will inform the execution of his mandate. The ICJ reiterates its support for the establishment of this important mandate, one that is crucial to combating impunity for human rights violations and guaranteeing victims’ access to justice.
In a written statement to the UN Human Rights Council, and an oral statement delivered jointly with Amnesty International on 12 September 2012, the ICJ referred to issues seen as critical to the execution of the Special Rapporteur’s mandate, and the way in which the Human Rights Council should engage with it.
ICJ-HRC21-Item3ID-SRTruthJustice-OralStatementnon-legal submission-2012 (download written statement, in PDF)
ICJ-Amnesty-HRC21-TruthJustice-OralStatement-2012 (download joint oral statement, in PDF)