ICJ Review no. 4 (December 1969)

ICJ Review no. 4 (December 1969)

The Review will provide, on a quarterly basis, not only studies in depth on current legal issues, but also up-to-date information on legal developments throughout the world. In this issue, the special study is an article looking at the law of outer space by Mr. Howard J. Taubenfeld.

1970 has been proclaimed as ‘International Year for Education’ by the United Nations; it is a unique occasion to make a special effort at all levels towards the realisation of Article 26 of the Universal Declaration and thus to the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.

This edition features articles on:

  • Human rights in the world:
      -East Africa
      -Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad
      -Latin America
  • Special study: The law of outer space by Howard J. Taubenfeld
  • Judicial application of the rule of law
  • Basic texts: minimum treatment of prisoners
  • ICJ news
  • Books of interest

ICJ Review-4-1969-eng (full text in English, PDF)
ICJ Review-4-1969-fra (full text in French, PDF)
ICJ Review-4-1969-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)


Comparison of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners with the text of the Rules relating to Non-delinquent Detainees…

Comparison of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners with the text of the Rules relating to Non-delinquent Detainees…

Comparison of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners with the text of the Rules relating to Non-delinquent Detainees drafted by the Medico-Legal Commission of Monaco at the request of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

This annotated comparison was prepared by the ICJ in December 1969.

Comparison texts treatment of prisoners-legal submission-1969-eng (full text in English, PDF)


ICJ Review no. 3 (September 1969)

ICJ Review no. 3 (September 1969)

The Review will provide, on a quarterly basis, not only studies in depth on current legal issues, but also up-to-date information on legal developments throughout the world.

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