La Revista de la CIJ no. 2 (Junio 1969)
Impunidad, crimen de lesa humanidad y desaparición forzada.
ICJ Review-2-1969-spa (La Revista en Español, PDF)
Impunidad, crimen de lesa humanidad y desaparición forzada.
ICJ Review-2-1969-spa (La Revista en Español, PDF)
The Review will provide, on a quarterly basis, not only studies in depth on current legal issues, but also up-to-date information on legal developments throughout the world.
Impunité, crimes contre l’humanité et disparitions forcées
ICJ Review-2-1969-fra (Texte complet en PDF)
Impunité, crimes contre l’humanité et disparitions forcées.
ICJ Review-1-1969-fra (Texte complet en PDF)
The Review will provide, on a quarterly basis, not only studies in depth on current legal issues, but also up-to-date information on legal developments throughout the world. This new publication aims to reinforce the Commission’s action for the Rule of Law.
This edition contains:
ICJ Review-1-1969-eng (full text in English, PDF)
ICJ Review-1-1969-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)