Jan 1, 1990
En enero de 1989, la CIJ y su afïliada, la Comision Andina de Juristas (CAJ), enviaron una mision a Colombia con el fin de elaborar un informe sobre la situacion de los derechos humanos.
Colombia ha estado bajo Estado de Sitio desde 1984; en ese marco, se presentô un complejo escenario de continuas violaciones a los derechos humanos, muchas de las cuales han sido atribuidas a la guerrilla, a narcotraficantes y sus grupos armados y a miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Si bien la situacion es grave y compleja, el gobiemo ha realizado esfuerzospor controlarla. Sin embargo, las medidas han sido insuficientes. En materia de derechos humanos, su violacion sistematica y la impunidad parecen ser las caracteristicas mas saltantes.
Colombia-violence-fact finding mission report-1990-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)
Dec 1, 1989
Impunité, crimes contre l’humanité et disparitions forcées.
ICJ Review-43-1989-fra (Texte complet en PDF)
Dec 1, 1989
The purpose of the Review is to focus attention on the problems in regard to which lawyers can make their contribution to society in their respective areas of influence and to provide them with the necessary information and data.
This edition features articles on:
- Human rights in the world:
-Israeli-Occupied Territories
-UN Sub-Commission on Discrimination and Minorities
-UN Human Rights Committee
-Realization of social and economic rights – the minimum threshold approach, by Asbjørn Eide
-Judges and lawyers in the USSR – changing perceptions, by Fali Nariman
-The impact of the official secrets act 1989 in the UK, by Norman Marsh
-“Death Row Phenomenon” held in inhuman treatment by Gino Naldi
-Terrorism, politics and law
ICJ Review-43-1989-eng (full text in English, PDF)
ICJ Review-43-1989-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)
Dec 1, 1989
A discussion paper prepared by the Australian Section of the ICJ on the human rights consequences of the Cambodian genocide.
This analysis was produced after a visit to Cambodia by Daniel Brezniak, a member of the Executive Committee of the Australian ICJ. The paper argues that invasion and the use of force in international law can be justified in some situations and that the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia may be justified in some situations and that the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia be just such a situation.
Cambodia-the cambodian road-thematic report-1989-eng (full text in English, PDF)
Dec 1, 1989
“This publication, the 16th to be produced by the Stichting NJCM-Boekerij, contains the proceedings of the colloquy held in Amsterdam on November 22nd 1989, on the subject of “The role of non-governmental organizations in the promotion and protection of human rights”.