Dec 22, 2009 | Advocacy, Non-legal submissions
The ICJ addressed the UN Working Group on an Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, meeting on a potential communications procedure for children claiming to be victims of violations.
UN-complaints procedure for the rights of the child-statement-2011
Dec 21, 2009 | News
La CIJ expresa su profunda preocupación ante la detención de la Jueza María Lourdes Afiuni en virtud de una decisión adoptada en el marco del caso del Sr. Eligio Cedeño.
Asimismo, la CIJ resalta la gravedad que implica que dicha detención se haya producido tras las declaraciones efectuadas por el Presidente de la República de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, quien opinó abiertamente sobre el caso y exigió que se castigue a la jueza con la pena máxima de 30 años, prevista en la ley sólo para los delitos más graves, cometidos con agravantes.
Venezuela-detention judge-press release-2009-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)
Dec 14, 2009 | News
The ICJ is urging the Government of Nepal to produce Major Niranjan Basnet before Khavre District Court to face charges related to his alleged involvement in the unlawful killing of 15-year-old Maina Sunuwar.
Nepal-Nepal Army obstructing justice-press release-2009-eng (full text, PDF)
Nepal-Nepal Army obstructing justice-press release-2009-nep (full text, PDF)
Photo by Advocacy Forum / Robert Godden
Dec 14, 2009
The ICJ is writing to express deep concern about Article 217 of the draft Penal Code in Rwanda.
Based on the assessment of proposed legislation, ICJ believes the enactment of Article 217 would constitute a breach of Rwanda’s obligation under international law, as provided for in treaties to which Rwanda is a party.
Rwanda-letter Parliament draft-open letter-2009 (full text in English, PDF)
Dec 11, 2009 | Cases
Amicus Curiae: presented by the International Commission of Jurists before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of Campo Algodonero: Claudia Ivette González, Esmeralda Herrera Monreal and Laura Berenice Ramos Monárrez against the United Mexican States.
The United Mexican States-case-2009 (full text, PDF)