Concluding Observations, CEDAW/C/PAN/CO/7, 5 February 2010: Panama

22. The Committee reiterates its concern about the persistence of traditional stereotypes regarding the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in the society at large, which represent a significant impediment to the implementation of the...

Concluding Observations, CEDAW/C/UKR/CO/7, 5 February 2010: Ukraine

42. The Committee regrets the lack of detailed information in relation to vulnerable groups of women, such as migrant and refugee women, women belonging to ethnic minorities, in particular Roma women, as well as rural women, older women, disabled women and female...

Concluding Observations, CEDAW/C/UZB/CO/4, 5 February 2010: Uzbekistan

40. The Committee notes the very limited information and statistics available on vulnerable groups of women, including elderly women, women with disabilities and women discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality. The Committee is concerned that those women...

Concluding Observations, CEDAW/C/NLD/CO/5, 5 February 2010: Netherlands

6. The Committee welcomes the initiatives and measures developed by the Netherlands to prevent and combat female genital mutilation and honour-related killings, as well as the commitment to protect women against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, as...
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