Concluding Observations, CERD/C/DEU/CO/18, 22 September 2008: Germany

4. The Committee welcomes the adoption of the General Equal Treatment Act in August 2006 (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG), which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race and ethnic origin, gender, religion and belief, disability, age and sexual...

Concluding Observations, CERD/C/AUT/CO/17, 22 September 2008: Austria

13. The Committee welcomes the establishment in 2005 of the Ombudsperson for Equal Treatment irrespective of ethnic affiliation, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation in employment, and the Ombudsperson for Equal Treatment irrespective of ethnic affiliation in...

Concluding Observations, CERD/C/GEO/CO/3/Add.1, 17 March 2008: Georgia

34. According to article 2, paragraph 3, of the Code,  discrimination  based  on  race,  skin colour, language, ethnic or social belonging, nationality, origin, property and rank or status, place of residence, age, sex, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion, ...
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