UN statement on foreign debt, right to food
The ICJ spoke today at the UN Human Rights Council, addressing the human rights impacts of tax evasion and avoidance, and on women’s access to food and the right to food.
The statement was made in an interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt, and the Special Rapporteur on the right to food.
The statement addressed the following points, among others:
Welcoming the report of the Independent Expert, the ICJ highlighted that tax evasion and tax avoidance are forms of business’ misbehaviour that are facilitated by inadequate legislation and lack of international frameworks and cooperation in tax matters, and as such need to be tackled by the international community. This is all the more important now that the private sector has been assigned a greater role in the achievement of the 2030 development goals. In this regard, the recommendations by these Special Procedures should receive careful consideration.
The ICJ also welcomed the report on Women’s access to food by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. The report highlights the legal barriers in domestic law that prevent women from fully realizing their right to food, including property rights, land rights and intellectual property rights. The report also highlights the negative impact of certain economic and market models as well as agribusiness corporations in enhancing women’s difficulties in accessing food and achieving food security.
The full statement may be downloaded in PDF format here: HRC31-OralStatement-IEforeigndebt-2016