The ICJ welcomes the opportunity offered by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to contribute to its current work on the right to just and favourable conditions of work.
Like other UN treaty bodies, the Committee elaborates general comments to interpret the treaty it is in charge of monitoring and to provide guidance on how to implement the provisions and thus comply with the obligations under this treaty.
Currently, the Committee is consulting relevant actors on its further general comment on article 7 of the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
This article guarantees a number of rights to individuals at work, including regarding remuneration and occupational health.
The ICJ is particularly pleased to be given the possibility to share its international and country-based experience on the very topical issues covered by article 7.
In addition to its written submission (read below), the organization will actively participate in the further consultation that will take place during the Committee’s next session in June.
Universal-CESCR Draft General Comment Article 7-Advocacy-Non legal submission-2015-ENG (full text in PDF)