Jan 1, 1959
This report is based on evidence collected by ICJ Member Purshottam Trikamdas and his team, who investigated the situation in Tibet, paying particular attention to the question of violation of human rights.
Jan 1, 1959
The administrative authorities have not the right to make laws by virtue of their own competence. The legislative function actually belongs to the two Chambers (Art. 70 of the Constitution).
Dec 1, 1958 | Advocacy, Non-legal submissions
A statement by the German national section of the International Commission of Jurists, published by the ICJ.
The statement consists of answers to a series of questions. The questions were posed by the ICJ and answered on behalf of the German section by ten of its prominent members.
The questions cover the following themes:
- Administrative authorities and the law
- The legislative and the law
- The judiciary and the law
- The legal profession and the law
- The individual and the legal process.
Germany-rule of law-non-legal submission-1958-eng (full text in English, PDF)
Dec 1, 1958
En este boletín: informaciones sobre Cuba, Argentina y España.
ICJ Bulletin-8-1958-spa (Boletín en Español, PDF)
Dec 1, 1958
By publishing this bulletin, the ICJ wishes to provide a forum for the free exchange of views among jurists all over the world; it invites them to supply information and comments on legal developments worthy of attention in individual countries.
This edition exposes various aspects of the Rule of law in:
- the UN and Council of Europe
- China
- United States
- Argentina
- Spain
- Hungary
- Ceylon
- Turkey
- Sweden
- Ghana
- Yugoslavia
- Iraq
- Cuba
- United Kingdom
- Portugal
- South Africa
ICJ Bulletin-8-1958-eng (full text in English, PDF)
ICJ Bulletin-8-1958-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)