Global Geneva Forum on indigenous, traditional & customary justice

Global Geneva Forum on indigenous, traditional & customary justice

On 2-3 December 2020, the ICJ will convene the 11th annual Geneva Forum of Judges & Lawyers, on the Role of Indigenous and other Traditional or Customary Justice Systems in Access to Justice, the Rule of Law and Human Rights.

The Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers is an annual global meeting of senior judges, lawyers, prosecutors and other legal and United Nations experts, convened by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) through its Geneva-based Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

The 8th Forum, in 2017, the 9th Forum in 2018 in Bangkok, and the 10th Forum in 2020 in Nairobi, considered the role of indigenous and other traditional or customary justice systems at the global level, as well as in the particular regional contexts of Asia and Africa.

Interim findings and recommendations were set out in the reports from the 8th, 9th and 10th Fora. The September 2019 report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples following her participation in the 9th Forum addressed indigenous justice..

As a reference for the Forum discussions and to assist the broader range of stakeholders, the ICJ published, and has subsequently updated, a Compilation of International Sources on Indigenous and other Traditional or Customary Justice Systems, including relevant provisions of global and regional treaties, UN and other inter-governmental declarations, and the jurisprudence and recommendations of expert Committees and Special Procedures established by treaties and the UN Human Rights Council.

The culmination of the Geneva Forum process on indigenous and other traditional or customary justice systems will be the 11th Geneva Forum on 2 and 3 December 2020, followed by publication by ICJ of a final set of global recommendations.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11th Geneva Forum will be convened online, with participants from around the world.

Participation in the Forum is by invitation only and the Forum discussions will not be broadcast.

The concept note for the Forum may be downloaded here (PDF): GF2020 Concept Note 27-10-2020

The programme for the Forum may be downloaded here (PDF): GF2020 Programme 21-10-2020

The list of participants (subject to final confirmation) can be downloaded here (PDF): Public list of Participants_2020 ICJ Geneva Forum

For more information contact matt.pollard(a)

The 2020 Geneva Forum of Judges & Lawyers is made possible by the support of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.

Photo: Traditional leaders preside over a case in B-Court, Nyang Payam, Torit County, South Sudan.  Photo Credit: UNDP South Sudan2016Angelique Reid ©2016 United Nations

Forum on indigenous & other traditional or customary justice systems in Africa

Forum on indigenous & other traditional or customary justice systems in Africa

For the 10th annual Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers, the ICJ has partnered with the International Development Law Organization and the ICJ Kenya Section, to organise in Nairobi a high-level regional Forum on alternative dispute resolution and indigenous and other traditional or customary justice systems in Africa.

Under the auspices of the Judiciary of Kenya, the “Regional Forum on Alternative Dispute Resolution & Customary and Informal Justice: Advancing SDG16 and Pathways to Justice” will provide a platform to allow for a deeper reflection on access to justice through alternative and indigenous or other traditional or customary justice systems, providing greater insight into local realities, concerns and approaches and exploring existing lessons, illustrations, and good practices.

The Forum will also facilitate the identification of culturally appropriate, people-centered, sustainable and effective paths for policy and programming that reduce existing justice gaps as well as address challenges in diverse contexts.

Invited justice champions from national governments, the formal and informal justice sectors, and civil society will share insights on ongoing justice sector reforms and policy development that aim to provide alternatives to or complement formal courts, curb rights-abrogating practices, and contribute to inclusive and peaceful societies.

A concept note is available in PDF format here: NairobiConferenceConceptNote

The programme is available in PDF format here: NairobiConferenceAgenda

The final report of the Forum is available in PDF format here.

The Forum is made possible with support from the Government of the Netherlands and the Republic and Canton of Geneva.

For further background on the ICJ Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers, and its ongoing global project on indigenous and other traditional or customary justice systems, click here.

A compilation of international sources is available here.

For more information contact matt.pollard(a)

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