ICJ calls for bold action to end discrimination against women based on religion, tradition, custom, and culture

ICJ calls for bold action to end discrimination against women based on religion, tradition, custom, and culture

The ICJ commemorates International Women’s Day by calling on States all over the world to take decisive steps to abolish or amend laws, policies and practices that discriminate against women and girls, including those belonging to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) minorities.

“All over the world, we are facing increasing attacks on the rule of law, which intensify existing inequalities resulting in compounded and intersecting forms of discrimination against women and girls, especially women from SOGIESC minorities,” said Emerlynne Gil, ICJ’s global focal point on gender.

The ICJ also calls on frontline justice actors, such as judges, lawyers and law enforcement officers, to take proactive steps in eliminating gender discriminatory practices in their work to further enhance access to justice for women.

Such action includes an open and inclusive discourse on regressive interpretations of religious and customary laws that discriminate against women.

The ICJ also urges States to acknowledge the diverse voices of women in this discourse, including those of women who belong to SOGIESC minorities.

“Women and girls, including those from SOGIESC minorities, are at a heightened risk of human rights abuses, most especially because a greater number among them is now living in poverty and is unable to access information about their rights, as well as justice for the violations they suffer,” added Emerlynne Gil.

.International Women’s Day is a symbolic acknowledgement of women’s struggle for gender equality in all spheres of life.

While celebrating the recognition of women’s legal rights and entitlements, the ICJ also notes with deep concern the growing trend around the world to push back on these advances in a manner that fundamentally violates the rights of women.

In 2019, the ICJ adopted the Tunis Declaration on Reinforcing the Rule of Law and Human Rights (Tunis Declaration), wherein it highlighted how “culture, tradition, or religion are being used to justify laws, policies, and practices that discriminate against women and girls”.

The proliferation of these discriminatory laws, policies and practices “come at a time when there is growing inequality, accelerating climate change, conflict, and large-scale displacement of people.”

Upholding cultural practices is often invoked as a convenient excuse to justify the continued existence of laws, policies, and practices that discriminate against women and girls, including those belonging to SOGIESC minorities.

While the ICJ affirms the importance of respecting cultural rights, these must be exercised in a manner consistent with core rule of law principles of non-discrimination, equality and equal protection of the law.

The ICJ notes that claims of cultural preservation are often based upon harmful gender stereotypes and deeply problematic patriarchal norms and attitudes that undergird the sanctification of discriminatory cultural, religious, traditional, and customary norms.

In the Tunis Declaration, the ICJ recognized “the persistent, deep entrenchment of patriarchal culture that perpetuates gender stereotypes in many national and international institutions, including those of the legal profession and judiciary.”

Harmful gender stereotypes, in turn, severely hamper women from enjoying their human rights and from equal access to justice, including for crimes of sexual and gender-based violence perpetrated against them.


Emerlynne Gil, ICJ Senior International Legal Adviser, email: emerlynne.gil(a)icj.org

UN Human Rights Council: side event related to sexual orientation and gender identity

UN Human Rights Council: side event related to sexual orientation and gender identity

The ICJ and other NGOs are hosting a side event at the 12th Session of the Human Rights Council: the Role of International Law in the Protection of People of Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities.

Featured speakers include ICJ Commissioner Vitit Muntarbhorn, Kenya National Human Rights Commissioner Lawrence Mute, and Alternative Law Forum co-founder Arvind Narrain. The occasion is also the launch of the Practitioner’s Guide on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and International Human Rights Law.

HRC Side Event on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity-Events-2009 (Full text, DOC)

Joint submission to prepare a Draft Inter American Convention against racial discrimination and all other forms of discrimination and intolerance

Joint submission to prepare a Draft Inter American Convention against racial discrimination and all other forms of discrimination and intolerance

The submission was co-authored by Global Rights, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission ( IGLHRC), the ICJ, Mullabi – Espacio Latinamericano de Sexualidades y Derechos and others.

The authors suggest that in the text, the words “gender identity and expression” are added after the word “gender”.

The text of the submission is available in both Spanish and English and it is the last contribution in this document.

Americas-OAS Convention against Racism-non-judicial submission-2006

William Roy Leung: Hong Kong court appeal

William Roy Leung: Hong Kong court appeal

The ICJ welcomes today’s decision of the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in the case of William Roy Leung vs Secretary for Justice.

The Hong Kong Court of Appeal upheld the decision of a lower court that a provision of the Hong Kong Crimes Ordinance (section 118C) was discriminatory based on sexual orientation, as it prohibits consensual male homosexual sex until both parties are above 21 years old. The Court also affirmed that this provision constitutes an arbitrary interference on the right to privacy.

“The decision is a vindication of the right to equality before the law and non discrimination and is consistent with Hong Kong’s obligations under the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, ” said Philip Dayle, Legal Officer at the ICJ.

The Crimes Ordinance criminalizes parties to consensual male homosexual sex even if both participants are over 16 years of age, but one party is under the age of 21. Consensual sex between heterosexual persons who are above the age of 16 is not similarly outlawed. The Court reasoned that, “…section 118C of the Crimes Ordinance significantly affects homosexual men in an adverse way compared with heterosexuals.”

The ICJ offered an exposition of the international human rights and comparative public law analysis in relation to sexual orientation in this matter. This intervention was incorporated in the amicus brief of the Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong and was presented to the court.

Both the decision of the court of appeal and the ICJ arguments in this matter are available on the ICJ website

Hong Kong-Roy court appeal-Press releases-2006 (full text, PDF)

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